The internet went down today so we only have thirty minutes to write. I found a loop hole in the not being able to print out letters! If I just take a picture of the letter then I can just read it from my camera later. Haha, since I only have thirty minutes this week I am only going to use it to write, and I will take pictures of all the letters and read them through out the week. I got to hear a lot of talks by Elder Holland this week! It does't matter what Elder Holland is talking about, his talk is amazing. Some of the points of his talk was when he was talking about Preach my gospel and the reason they made it. He said President Hinckley said that If a Missionary could fall away after preaching the gospel for two years, then there is something wrong with the missionary program. (In effect). They created Preach my Gospel so that the missionary could be converted before he went and tried to convert investigators.
One really cool thing that happened to me this week was that I got my money back that I lost last week! I don't know how they figured it out, and how they knew I didn't get back the right amount of money. But I do know that Heavenly Father answers our prayers! Haha, It honestly felt like it wasn't even from the store, it felt like Heavenly Father was just saying, "Thanks for going to the Temple, Here is your money back". Haha that sounds super cheesy, but I was so Happy!
Another thing that Elder Holland said in one of his talks was "Tell me how your obedience is and I`ll tell you how your mission will be". I thought that was really cool and it shows me that I need to be obedient to be a good missionary. I wish I had more time to write about what Elder Holland said, since his talks were so good.
Also, I thought Nathan said he was leaving July 15th which would have been last Tuesday but, I just found out he will probably be here next week.
Dang, well an hours definitely not enough, but a half an hour definitely worse, I'm already out of time. I love you all, thanks for all the prayers, I can honestly feel them!
Elder Ryan Goff
PS Do I have a blog that my letters are going on?
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